London wedding, portrait and event photographers

Monday 31 May 2010

Tikkis Mikkis in Paris!

Tikkis Mikkis in Paris armed with a couple of French phrases and a Nikon D60 (nice and light for travelling)!

Tikkis Mikkis became a Paris Photographer for the weekend of the marathon and photographed the marathon runners (well two runners in particular, known as G and F). The day was beautiful and I cycled around on one of the hire bikes that you can rent for an hour or two (called Velibs) gasping at sites such as the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe.

Photography in the Notre Dame Cathedral was a bit more challenging as there wasn't much light and I wasn't carrying a tripod. I took some slow shutter photographs whilst zooming in on the windows. We even had a mini Paris Tikkis Mikkis photography course in the Cathedral for G & F to have a go at zooming and rotating the camera whilst on a slow shutter. Digital photography is great for learning as you can see the instant results and learn what effects changes to different settings make. I've included one of the shots below as an example.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

I want to Belly Dance....!

Fleur Estelle, international Belly Dancer, needed a London event photographer to capture shots of her show, Tikkis Mikkis went along to the University of London Union to document the event. I was completely blown away and had to keep reminding myself that I was there to take pictures and not just to stand in complete awe of the beautiful dancers. The belly dancing classes must be amazing to produce such a well choreographed event.

The Bedlehs, or traditional suits, were all completely individual and made the acts with more dancers seem even more impressive. There were all different types of belly dancing, from Tribal Fusion to Bollywood Fusion, from beginners to advanced. The finale was a dance by the three belly dancing instructors. They had the most beautiful silver fans to make a truly dramatic end to the show. Here is a small selection of the pictures I took. The rest can be seen on the Tikkis Mikkis site here.